
This is the gift that work in family and youth philanthropy over the past decade has given me. I know I am not alone because of what my experiences and relationships with you, your families, your foundations, and your communities have taught me.

I know I am not alone and neither are you.

WE are not alone and here are some reminders…

  1. You and I are not alone experiencing darkness, shadows, complexity, change, conflict, and grief right now and not knowing what to do with all of it. You and I are not alone experiencing light, peaks of light, simple pleasures, gratitude, and joy right now. We are not alone.

  2. You and I are not alone with generations of unrecognized labor, colonizing, trauma, abuse, addiction, and unexpressed grief living in our bones and impacting us and our bodies. We are not alone with generations of resilience, wisdom, compassion, kindness, and love living in our bones and impacting us and bodies. We are not alone.

  3. You and I are not alone wrestling with our identity, privilege, and worthiness. You and I are not alone uncovering our truths and finding freedom in claiming them. We are not alone.

  4. You and I are not alone favoring patriarchal and white supremist culture in our pasts to stay safe. You and I are not alone in dismantling patriarchal and white supremacy for all of us to be safe. We are not alone.

  5. You and I are not alone in feeling guilt and confusion about money, what enough means, and the role we want money to play in our lives. You and I are not alone in using our privilege, money, and what we have as medicine for the world we all deserve. We are not alone.

  6. You and I are not alone feeling scared giving away power it feels like we just gained. You and I are not alone feeling joy and pride when others thrive from power shared. We are not alone.

  7. You and I are not alone in leaving things not safe or no longer serving us or feeling worth it. You and I are not alone in evolving our needs and boundaries based on what feels safe, loving, and kind. We are not alone.

  8. You and I are not alone ignoring our bodies and what they need to heal. You and I are not alone seeking restorative and healing practices and sharing them with others. We are not alone.

  9. You and I are not alone keeping ourselves small and voices quiet when it would spark tension. You and I are not alone speaking our truth, even when the words don’t feel right or enough—and knowing it matters. We are not alone.

  10. You and I are not alone with having to make tough decisions and not knowing exactly what to do or how to show up right now. You and I are not alone in intending to lead with trust, honesty, compassion, and love right now. We are not alone.

You are not alone.

We are not alone and we are always worthy of changes for freedom and collective liberation.

Isolation from one another can sometimes make us feel alone, when we are indeed not.

Thank you for being here today to honor yourself, what you have experienced, and hopefully leave with inspiration for what could be possible next.


(Written in November 2020 for the Southern California Grantmakers family philanthropy gathering)